
Rock type: 
740 millions years

Россия, Приморский край, полуостров Краббе, скала "Спящий дракон". Опорное обнажение, разрез гранитизированных габбро сусловского комплекса. Гранитизация с образованием гнейсовидных полосчатых гибридных пород с плагиоклаз(андезин)-роговообманково-биотиткварцевыми парагенезисами и реликтовой апогаббровой структурой (вплоть до образования мигматитов с преобладанием плагиоклаза и кварца в лейкосоме).

Rock type: 
720 millions years

Россия, Приморский край. Сусловский комплекс. Габбро. 

Rock type: 
640 millions years

Brasil, Mato Grosso, estrada vicinal a 22km SW de Nova Xavantina. Afloramento em matacões de 5m x 7m.

Neoproterozoico, Cryogenian. Complexo metavulcanossedimentar Nova Xavantina.

Rock type: 
720 millions years

Russia, Perm region, Saranovskoe chromite deposit. Saranovskiy chromite-bearing gabbro-peridotite massif. Possesses large reserves of chromite ores. The outcropping area of ultrabasic rocks is only 0.22 km2, with a length of 1700-1800 m and a width of about 200 m. The maximum width of the massif in the middle part, including gabbroids, is about 400 m. Its strike is submeridional (0-345 °).

Rock type: 
635 millions years

Russia, Komi Republic, Subpolar Ural, Big Lemva river. Pink-gray, fine-grained, subalkaline biotite granites. Lemvinsky granite massif. Consist: quartz - 29%, plagioclase - 23%, K-spar - 47%, biotite - 1%. Accesory: zircon, magnetite, sphen, apatite, ortit, ilmenite. Neoproterozoic.

Rock type: 
635 millions years

Russia, Komi Republic, Subpolar Ural, Big Lemva river. Pink-gray, fine-grained, subalkaline biotite granites. Lemvinsky granite massif. Consist: quartz - 29%, plagioclase - 23%, K-spar - 47%, biotite - 1%. Accesory: zircon, magnetite, sphen, apatite, ortit, ilmenite. Neoproterozoic.

Rock type: 
540 millions years

Russia, Republic of Sakha, Aldan river valley. Tiled, gray, greenish-gray dolostones with intercalations of clay and oolithic dolostones. Saturated with mineralized cylindrical burrows (diameter up to 1 centimeter) of worms (planolites and skolitos). Neoproterozoic - Cambrian.

Rock type: 
1000 millions years

Russia, Caucasus, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Khasaut River Valley. Sericite-chlorite schists. Khasautskaya metamorphic series. Neoproterozoic.

Rock type: 
1000 millions years

Russia, Caucasus, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Mushta river valley. Migmatized and hornfelsed quartz-biotite, quartz-biotite-chlorite schists. Khasautskaya metamorphic series. Neoproterozoic.

Rock type: 
1000 millions years

Russia, Caucasus, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Mushta river valley. Migmatized and hornfelsed quartz-biotite, quartz-biotite-chlorite schists. Khasautskaya metamorphic series. Neoproterozoic.