
Rock type: 
260 millions years

Россия, Приморский край, полуостров Гамова, смотровая площадка бухта Теляковского. Гранодиоритовый массив пермского возраста.

Rock type: 
260 millions years

Россия, Приморский край, полуостров Гамова, мыс Теляковского. Гранодиоритовый массив пермского возраста.

Rock type: 
260 millions years

Россия, Приморский край, полуостров Гамова, мыс Бабкина. Гранодиоритовый массив пермского возраста.

Rock type: 
260 millions years

Россия, Приморский край, полуостров Гамова, Склон горы Туманной. Гранодиоритовый массив пермского возраста.

Rock type: 
260 millions years

Россия, Приморский край, полуостров Гамова, бухта Тепляковского. Гранодиоритовый массив пермского возраста.

Rock type: 
94 millions years

Russia, Khabarovsk Territory, river valley Ko. Grandiorite massif. Bachelazskiy complex. Granodiorites are medium-grained, gray. Consist: plagioclase - 37-54%, K-spar - 8-27%, quartz - 18-30%, biotite - 8-13%, hornblende - 4-12%. Accessory minerals: magnetite, apatite, ortit, zircon, monazite. Massive texture. Hypidiomorphic grain structure. Upper Cretaceous. Definitions of absolute age: 86-103 million years.

Rock type: 
153 millions years

Russia, Amur region, Kolbachi Creek Valley. Contact granodiorites (light) and lamproite dike (dark). Porphyry biotite-hornblende granodiorites. Granodiorites form a large Haiktinsky massif. A characteristic feature of granodiorites is the greenish color of plagioclase and the rocks themselves, due to the processes of chlorination, epidotization and carbonatization, accompanied by co-securitization and seritization of plagioclase. Pozdnestanovoy complex. Paleoproterozoic. Lamproite dike - the third phase of the Amujikan complex. Upper Jurassic.

Rock type: 
1700 millions years

Russia, Amur region, Haikta river valley. Porphyry biotite-hornblende granodiorites. Granodiorites form a large Haiktinsky massif. A characteristic feature of granodiorites is the greenish color of plagioclase and the rocks themselves, due to the processes of chlorination, epidotization and carbonatization, accompanied by co-securitization and seritization of plagioclase. Pozdnestanovoy complex. Paleoproterozoic.

Rock type: 
1700 millions years

Russia, Amur region, Haikta river valley, Berezite gold mine. Porphyry biotite-hornblende granodiorites. Granodiorites form a large Haiktinsky massif. A characteristic feature of granodiorites is the greenish color of plagioclase and the rocks themselves, due to the processes of chlorination, epidotization and carbonatization, accompanied by co-securitization and seritization of plagioclase. Pozdnestanovoy complex. Paleoproterozoic.

Rock type: 
97 millions years

Russia, Khabarovsk Territory. Granodiorite biotite-hornblende, fine-grained, medium-grained. Butakano-Churkinsky complex, second phase. Upper Cretaceous.