
Rock type: 
85 millions years

Россия, Хабаровский край, долина реки Седьмая вторая. Кварцевый диорит. По всей видимости дайка. На геологической карте не обозначена. Возраст скорее всего - поздний мел. Мелкая равномерно рассеяная вкрапленность пирита.

Russia, Khabarovsk Territory, valley of the Seventh 2nd river. Quartz diorite. Most likely a dike. Not indicated on the geological map. The age is most likely late Cretaceous. Fine, evenly dispersed dissemination of pyrite.

Rock type: 
458 millions years

Russia, Subpolar Ural, Kozhim river valley. White, light gray marbled limestones. Include microlayers of quartz-mica composition, the content of quartz grains in them sometimes reaches 30–35%. Under the microscope of the rock, a granoblastic structure with relics of an uneven-grained - blastopsammite and blastoaleurite is found; layered, banded texture and consist of a calcite heterogeneous aggregate (70–99%) with intercalations of quartz grains (up to 25%) and microlayers of carbonaceous-chlorite-sericite, muscovite-chlorite composition.

Rock type: 
155 millions years

Russia, Magadan region, left side of the Duck river. Quartz-albite diorite porphyrite with quartz-albite veins. These are the famous Ducks dykes. Dyke №7. The dyke is a slab-like body with a capacity of 0.5 m in the East to 3.5 m in the West, accompanied by apophyses that run parallel to the sedimentary rocks (lower Jurassic siltstone). It is traced to a depth of 250 meters. Xenoliths are rare. Sometimes there are intersecting, until the disappearance of dykes.

Rock type: 
270 millions years

Russia, Magadan region, Kulu river. Pelite schists with rare impregnation of pyrite, pyrite lenses and quartz veins. Tasskaya series. Fossil: Pleurotomaria sp. indet., Bellerophon sp. indet. Upper Permian.

Rock type: 
2300 millions years

Russia, Irkutsk region, watershed of the rivers Homolkho and Imnyakh, gold deposit "Golets Vysochayshy", north wall of the pit. Carbon quartz-mica schists. The first photo shows quartz veins in the pit wall. Schists contain veins, lenses, and impregnations of pyrite and pyrrhotite. Khomolkhinskaya series. Thickness 650 meters. Paleoproterozoic.

Rock type: 
1300 millions years

Russia, Irkutsk region, valley of the Big Chanchik creek. Carbon-containing sandstones with pyrite phenocrysts. Angarskaya series, upper pack. Mesoproterozoic.

Rock type: 
1300 millions years

Russia, Irkutsk region, valley of the Big Chanchik creek. Carbon-containing phyllite schists with pyrite lenses. Angarskaya series, upper pack. Mesoproterozoic. 

Rock type: 

Russia, Irkutsk region, the upper reaches of the creek of Alexander Nevsky, gold deposit - "Nevskoe". Gold ore.Quartz sulfide mineralization in paleoproterozoic quartz sandstones.Mineralization includes: pyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, their oxides, gold, quartz and carbonate-quartz veins.