
Rock type: 
230 millions years

Russia, Khabarovsk territory, Khekhtsir range. Burgundy and gray jasper-like siliceous rocks. Voronezhskaya strata. The thickness is about 600 m with interlayers (1–2 cm) of siliceous-clayey rocks and rare lenses (10–30 m) of limestones. In limestones fossil: Halobia cf. charliana Mojs., Posidonia subwengentus Kipar., Nodosaria sub-primitiva Herke, N. cf. biloculina Fran, Arcetes. Middle and Upper Triassic.

Rock type: 
388 millions years

Russia, Subpolar Ural, Lemva river valley. Dark gray, massive limestones interbedded with dark gray shales. In limestones, scattered detritus of crinoids, broken shells and corals in the form of lenticular jets is often present. Limestones are relatively pure pelitomorphic, often silicified. Fossil: Trupestroma porosum Lec., Dendrostella cf. trigemme Guenst., Cupressocrinites cf. gracilis Goldf., Polygnathus ex gr., xylus Zieg., Po. costatus costatus Klapp., Po. cf. timorensis Klapp. Nadotamyl'kskaya series. Middle Devonian.

Rock type: 
458 millions years

Russia, Subpolar Ural, Kozhim river valley. White, light gray marbled limestones. Include microlayers of quartz-mica composition, the content of quartz grains in them sometimes reaches 30–35%. Under the microscope of the rock, a granoblastic structure with relics of an uneven-grained - blastopsammite and blastoaleurite is found; layered, banded texture and consist of a calcite heterogeneous aggregate (70–99%) with intercalations of quartz grains (up to 25%) and microlayers of carbonaceous-chlorite-sericite, muscovite-chlorite composition.

Rock type: 
2200 millions years

Russia, Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Olonnokon river valley. Stromatolite limestones. Namsalinskaya series. Paleoproterozoic.

Rock type: 
100 millions years

Turkey, Caunos Tombs of the Kings. Pelagic limestones. Cretaceous.

Rock type: 
150 millions years

Turkey, Fethie. Middle Triassic - Cretaceous limestones. Lycian tombs taxied in limestone. 4th century BC.

Rock type: 
140 millions years

Turkey, Tersane Adasi. Pelagic limestones. Middle Jurassic-Cretaceous.

Rock type: 
140 millions years

Turkey, Tersane Adasi. Pelagic limestones. Middle Jurassic-Cretaceous.

Rock type: 
140 millions years

Turkey, Tersane Adasi. Pelagic limestones. Middle Jurassic-Cretaceous.

Rock type: 
140 millions years

Turkey, Tersane Adasi. Pelagic limestones. Middle Jurassic-Cretaceous.